This Company is developped
through years of experience in Tree-felling. Since about. 1983,
I have been felling all kinds and sizes of trees, in gardens
and in the forests, mostly to be used for firewood.
1995, I began to do simpel Topcutting, where the space was
too narrow for ordinary felling.
Since about. 1996 I mainly worked with everything within
advanced Topcutting and difficult felling.

Apart from topcutting, a lot of our time is used for
special-pruning, which means careful pruning in the treetops
without the use of lifts and spurs, typically we use this
of dead branches above playgrounds, walkways houses etc. A
lot like safetypruning, we also perform ordinary
in the treetop, often this is done due to the customers wish
to reduce the tree size, or to open up the treetop to
improve the light-penetration. |

For once without work-clothes. |