Danish Rope-access  
The Company


TopcuttingFellingCheap fellingSafety-pruning

This Company is developped through years of experience in Tree-felling.

Since about. 1983, I have been felling all kinds and sizes of trees, in gardens and in the forests, mostly to be used for firewood.

Around 1995, I began to do simpel Topcutting, where the space was too narrow for ordinary felling.

Since about. 1996 I have mainly worked with everything within advanced Topcutting and difficult felling.  See Topcutting

Apart from topcutting, a lot of our time is used for special-pruning, which means careful pruning in the treetops without the use of lifts and spurs, typically we use this for safetypruning/removal of dead branches above playgrounds, walkways houses etc.

A lot like safetypruning we also perform ordinary beskæring in the treetop, this is often done due to the customers wish to reduce a large tree or simply to open up the treetop to improve the light penetration.




For once without work-clothes.

© www.dansk-erhvervsklatring.dk